Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - December 2010
Fellow members...
It’s been a busy month for the Foundation. The committee approved a mission statement and tag line at its October meeting. Our mission statement is “The Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation supports and enhances the cumulative goodwill of the Venice Yacht Club membership to serve the needs of our community”. Our tag-line is “Charting a course to a better community”. These statements will appear in many of VYCCF’s future communications.
On behalf of Commodore Graser, Roy at Steve the Printer donated the design and layout of our beautiful new logo and letterhead. In addition, several members have already been dropping off checks at the club to defray the cost of our initial office expenses such as postage and stationary. Our thanks to all of them for their generosity.
On November 6, the club held its Viva la Vets celebration, our first fundraiser. It was a smashing success and a fitting honor to our members who served in our armed forces. Proceeds benefited the Foundation, earmarked for a local charity supporting our veterans and active military. Our committee is considering several worthwhile local organizations and will make the grant on behalf of the VYC membership. The amount and recipient of the grant will be reported in a subsequent column.
Most importantly, you will shortly be receiving a letter from the Foundation requesting your participation in our initial fundraising effort. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become a founding donor of VYCCF. Your tax deductible contribution, when combined with those of your friends at VYC, will make a positive impact on the lives of many of your neighbors who are less fortunate. Contribution levels and a return envelope will be included. During this season of giving, please contribute whatever you can so we can get this worthwhile cause off to a resounding start.
We never stand taller than when we stoop down to help those who have fallen…
Anthony R Zumbano, Chairman
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation