Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - November 2010
Fellow members...
First of all, the committee would like to thank Bob Cummings for the October Currents cover photo. Bob donated his time, equipment and supplies for the shoot.
Next, I’d like to thank the many members who have contacted the committee to express their views and support of VYCCF. As we continue to move forward, your input will be the most important part of the process.
As you read this, we are up and running. We have entered into an agreement with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice to administer our Fund. Our partnership with the GCCF allows our members to make tax-deductible contributions to the VYC Charitable Foundation. In addition, GCCF will provide tax reporting, investment services and administrative assistance such as check issuance.
Many of you have asked how the funds will be spent. We will certainly continue our support of the VYBA and boating safety. In addition, we will expand our charitable footprint to include support of our veterans and active military, health and educational services and the environment. Our support will be local, addressing the needs of the Venice area community. Transparency is a must. All grants will be reported to our members in this column.
This initiative places VYC in a select group within the FCYC. Less than 10% of the FCYC clubs have created charitable foundations. Our members have a unique opportunity to participate in creating an enduring legacy for their families and the Venice Yacht Club. Please consider becoming a founding member of the Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation by contacting me or any member of the committee.
We never stand taller than when we stoop down to help those who have fallen…
Anthony R Zumbano, Chairman
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation