Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - April 2012
Fellow members...
The first quarterly meeting of the VYCCF Committee will have occurred in mid-March by the time you receive this issue of the Currents, but after its print deadline! In preparation, your co-Chairs met in February with Commodore Bob Piel to address direction and strategy for the year, and with Veronica Brady, Senior Vice President for Philanthropy at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation here in Venice which administers our Donor Advised Fund.
VYCCF participated in the New Members Reception on the evening of March 15 and thanked the Founding Members, all donors and all past Grant Recipients. Such recipients include the Warrior Foundation, the Cancer Support Community, the Boys and Girls Club, Habitat for Humanity Women Build, and the Venice Youth Boating Association (VYBA), now celebrating its 60th anniversary. The New Members Reception was an excellent opportunity to introduce VYCCF to members who have joined the club in the last year, and to communicate with new members about its philanthropic mission.
In April, please watch for the publication of a protocol for the Grant Application Process. Do you know the focus of our grant-making? At the creation of the fund, the four major areas identified were (1) Youth Boating, (2) Health and Education, (3) Veterans and Active Military, and (4) the Environment. Organizations receiving grants should be local and of a size that assures our contributions will make a real difference. These principles will be among the ground rules articulated in the protocol.
Ann C. Thompson, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
Janice Zarro Wood, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
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