Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - July 2012
Fellow members...
Last month in the Currents, we highlighted the Loveland Grant, the largest in this cycle. This month, a compelling story comes from the Sarasota Scullers. The Scullers’ grant was designated specifically to be used toward a scholarship for a needy student who would otherwise not be able to participate in the youth rowing program. We immediately received a grateful telephone call from a representative of the Sarasota Scullers organization. To use her own words, “it was like Christmas in May” to receive our letter announcing the gift.
Here is their story. Last year the Scullers used significant amounts of their operating funds as scholarship money; they are trying valiantly to raise funds targeted for scholarships this year. We expressed our interest in being sure that a child in need would receive the benefit of this grant -- one who would otherwise be unable to participate in this youth boating activity. While admitting that many folks believe that rowing is an elitist sport, our caller emphasized the fact that this club is very much the opposite. Among the student rowers are several children with behavioral issues, three Type 1 diabetics, a child with a brain shunt who cannot participate in contact sports, one who is caring for a father with ALS... the coach is a Romanian former Olympic coach who believes that everyone should have the opportunity to row if the desire is there. They are very excited about the presentation ceremony and photo opportunities which will follow. Their gratitude is extended to you all!
At the risk of repetition, are you aware of the goal of the VYCCF? Our goal is to make grants which have significant impact in the local area in the four categories of youth boating, health and education, veterans/active military, and the environment. Please watch for future communications about other grant recipients, in the Currents and elsewhere, as we continue to educate our members about the good works of your foundation.
Ann C. Thompson, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
Janice Zarro Wood, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
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