Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - May 2012
Fellow members...
At its March 29, 2012 meeting, the VYC Board approved Grant Making Procedures and Application Forms as recommended by the VYCCF Committee. Each year there will be two grant cycles -- fall and spring. Any member wishing to submit a grant request to benefit a local non-profit organization may do so via a simple Application for Grant form. The application deadline for the Spring 2012 grant cycle is May 1, 2012. Each VYC member received an announcement detailing the procedure and application process with his or her April statement. The VYCCF Committee will meet May 4, 2012 to act upon all timely submitted grant requests for the Spring cycle. Application forms are available at the Club and should soon be available on the Club website.
The current balance in the VYCCF fund is approximately $80,000. Through ongoing fundraising, we are able to make annual grants totaling 10% of the start-of-the-year fund balance, continuing to build the fund at the same time as community grants are made. If you have an interest in serving on the VYCCF Committee, or in making a donation to the fund, please contact one of the Co-Chairs.
The VYC Board also approved a Fundraising Event Information Form at the March meeting. There are an ever increasing number of ad hoc causes sponsored by members or groups within the club. This intermittent fundraising is a problem for many members. In an effort to consolidate and coordinate what has been piecemeal activity, any member or group proposing a fundraiser will submit the FUNDRAISING EVENT INFORMATION FORM to the Board for prior approval.
The Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation supports and enhances the cumulative goodwill of the Venice Yacht Club membership to serve the needs of our community. We are focused on the communities from which our VYC membership is drawn. And, our guiding principles include making a difference to organizations where even small grants will have a big impact.
Ann C. Thompson, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
Janice Zarro Wood, Co-Chair
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
Charting a course to a better community…