Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - November 2012
After only two short years, the Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation (VYCCF) is an established and recognized influence in the community. The 2012 committee, Matt DePalma, Merle Graser, Jerry Jarrett, Michael Nemser, Dewey Snowden, David Yarzab, Bob Piel as board liaison, and we as co-chairs, have worked very hard to increase visibility and credibility both within the club and in the greater community.
We share each month, in this column, information regarding our processes and protocols; we feature grant recipients in order to insure that you recognize the good works that your contributions achieve; we advise you of the events in which your foundation participates, and those which it sponsors, hoping you will become intrigued and involved!
This month, our quarterly committee meeting will consider the fall grant cycle applications to round out a year in which grants totaling $8,000 will have been made to organizations in our own locale -- and all are organizations where such grants will make a huge difference in the lives of children, men and women less fortunate than ourselves. Grants continue to be made in the four categories: youth boating, health and education, the environment, and veterans’ and active military.
As our year draws to a close, we hope that our efforts to communicate, educate, and inspire you have been heard and well received. Our fall appeal is our only 2012 request for your contribution. By the time you read this issue of the Currents, you may have already received, by direct mail, VYCCF’s request for your 2012 donation. If not, keep your eye out for it. We trust it will reach you as you consider your year-end giving, and of course, as we embark upon the season of thanksgiving and gratitude. All donations are tax deductible and your foundation can accept gifts not only from VYC members and summer members, but also from the community.
We continually strive to educate all VYC members about the good works of your foundation.
Ann C. Thompson, Co-Chair
VYC Charitable Foundation - ann@anncthompson.com
Janice Zarro Wood, Co-Chair
VYC Charitable Foundation - jazarro@aol.com
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