Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - October 2012
IF YOU MISSED “CATCH THE WINNING SPIRIT” on August 23rd... here’s what some of your friends had to say:
“Wow! What a great event last Thursday afternoon. The event was beautifully planned and executed …. to inform, to educate ….. very happy that we were there. If VYC members were not proud of the VYCCF before, they surely must be now, and hopefully all attendees will spread the word.”
“It far exceeded my expectations. Positive vibes, feel good and educational about the foundation and its commitment to the community.”
“What a wonderful evocative program you presented yesterday at the Grant Award party. We left feeling uplifted and exhilarated with all the speakers AND especially the knowledge that our club is contributing to such worthwhile endeavors.”
First, we were entertained by a heart-stopping video, taped via an in-car camera mounted in the race car driven by Shaun Graser at Sebring, sporting a large VYC logo on its hood. Golf Pro Keith Struble and former baseball Pro Jon Knott agreed that hard work beats talent in sports as in life! The founding members of the VYCCF were honored, and Veronica Brady expressed the appreciation of the Gulf Coast Community Foundation for our partnership. But the highlight of the evening had to be the remarks of our Spring 2012 grant recipients, each sharing the impact that VYCCF grants have on their programs. From Loveland, to Rotary Futures, to Semper Fi, to “Millard” the guide dog – each enthusiastic and so full of gratitude for our gifts. Please be sure to peruse the photos appearing in this issue of the Currents.
OCTOBER represents not only the beginning of our Fall 2012 Grant Cycle, but also our only 2012 solicitation for contributions to the VYCCF. By direct mail, you will receive a request for your contribution. We are hopeful that by initiating this effort at this time, you will consider the VYCCF in your year end charitable planning. Donations are tax deductible and your foundation can accept gifts not only from VYC members and summer members, but also from the community. (Also, please note that Grant Applications, printed on light blue paper, are available in the VYC lobby; the application deadline is October 30.)
We continually strive to educate our members about the good works of your foundation.
Ann C. Thompson, Co-Chair
VYC Charitable Foundation - ann@anncthompson.com
Janice Zarro Wood, Co-Chair
VYC Charitable Foundation - jazarro@aol.com
Charting a course to a better community…