Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - November 2013
Fellow Members,
November is an important month for our Charitable Foundation as the Committee meets to review the fall cycle grant applications and decide how best to support those of our community who are in need. Prior to this meeting, the Foundation has granted over $108,000 in three years, including $30,000 to All Faiths Food Bank for the purchase of Sprout. The Committee work is important and rewarding. If you would like to join the Committee, please contact Michael Nemser or Dewey Snowden.
November represents the conclusion of the 2013 Fund Raising Campaign. As of the end of September, the Foundation raised over $81,000 from member contributions and net proceeds from our June 15 Sprout launch party. Thank you all who have supported the Foundation and permitted us to grant over $52,000 this year with the potential to grant an additional $13,000 in November.
Sprout is expected to be delivered to All Faiths Food Bank in November and the Venice Yacht Club will host a press conference where VYC members will christen the mobile farm pantry. Please look for an e-blast with details on this celebration.
November also represents the beginning of the 2014 Fund Raising Campaign. The Committee is investigating ideas for the 2014 signature project. We are focusing on a veterans’ related cause. If you have ideas, please contact Michael Nemser or Dewey Snowden. The Committee’s 2014 leadership will approve the project and establish a fund raising goal when appointed.
VYCCF Committee: Chair Michael F. Nemser,
Vice-Chair DuPont Snowden, Matt DePalma, Merle Graser, Jerry Jarrett, Elise John, John Moore and Board Rep Tony Zumbano.
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