Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - April 2014
Fellow Members,
The Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation is planning a donor recognition event to be held on Thursday, April 10, from 6:00–8:00 p.m. All who have made donations to the Foundation are invited. A special invitation will be mailed out shortly.
I am pleased to report that the Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation currently has $108,104.29 on deposit with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation. We have received donations during the current grant cycle in the amount of $16,350. Our grant cycle began November 1 and will end on May 1.
Your Foundation Committee is currently working to develop a special project and fundraising goals for 2014. I am proud to report that so far we have had 118 members of the Club make donations to the Foundation. We are hoping to create good opportunities whereby we can increase this number.
Our Foundation spending policy is to award at least 80% of the grants we receive. The Foundation spending policy provides that grants will be given in support of the broad categories of: 1) youth boating, 2) health and education, 3) veterans and active military, 4) the environment, and 5) civic improvement.
We are planning a special Foundation fundraising event to be held on Saturday, October 11. This is being coordinated with the Entertainment Committee. More details will follow in the future.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Hall, Chairperson
VYCCF Committee:
Wayne Hall-Chairperson, Matt DePalma, Bill Dowling, Merle Graser, Jerry Jarrett, Elise John, John Moore, Jack Murphy, and Melinda Short.
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