Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - June 2014
Fellow Members,
We had about 45 people attend our donor recognition event held at the Sunset Room on Thursday, April 10. We celebrated the success of the Foundation and discussed future plans.
The Stan Wright Memorial Golf Tournament hosted by the Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation and the Jacaranda Country Club was held on May 1. Thanks to Commodore Bill Dowling for selling 18 tee sponsorship signs. Our 48 golfers had fun while raising money for the Foundation. Thanks to all who participated.
Our Foundation grant cycle ended on May 1. Grant applications will be initially reviewed by Committee member Jack Murphy before our Committee meets to award grants in May. We have about $16,000 available for grants this cycle. The next grant cycle ends on November 1.
At our May meeting, we discussed a signature project for this year. We have a special event party scheduled for October 11 which could be a big part of our fund raising effort.
Our Foundation's spending policy is to award grants in the amount of 80% of the donations received in the grant cycle. The Foundation's spending policy provides that grants will be given in support of the broad categories of (1) youth boating, (2) health and education, (3) veterans and active military, (4) the environment and (5) civic improvement.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Hall, Chairperson
VYCCF Committee:
Wayne Hall-Chairperson, Bill Dowling, Merle Graser, Jerry Jarrett, Elise John, John Moore, Jack Murphy, and Melinda Short.
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