Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - October 2014
Fellow Members,
Your hardworking Venice Yacht Club Foundation Committee met on August 13 to work out the details for our fundraiser for the Venice Performing Arts Center to be held on October 11. Our committee now consists of Merle Graser, John Moore, Jack Murphy, Melinda Short, Judith Wilcox, and Commodore Bill Dowling as ex-officio. Karen Hall is chairman of the "Music of the Night Gala" event. Tickets are $125. We are promoting this to Club members and the general public. $50 of the $125 ticket price will be deductible as a charitable contribution.
The Foundation Committee voted to dedicate the event proceeds to a special fund to promote, support and enhance the performing, visual and fine arts programs at the new Venice Performing Arts Center. We are still working on the details of the fund and will provide more specific examples of grant possibilities. We are working on this with the Venice Performing Arts Center Advisory Committee and the Gulf Coast Community Foundation. This is a great opportunity for our Club to get good publicity and also to support the new Venice Performing Arts Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Hall, Chairperson
VYCCF Committee:
Wayne Hall-Chair, Bill Dowling, Merle Graser, John Moore, Jack Murphy, and Melinda Short.
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