Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - May 2015
Fellow Members,
Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation’s $30,000 grant awarded to All Faiths Food Bank in 2013 was leveraged, resulting in more than $200,000 in grants to start the “Sprout” project. According to Sandra Frank, CEO of All Faiths, and pictured here with P/C Merle Graser and VYCCF Chairman Wayne Hall, more than 53,000 people were able to access fresh produce in 2014 due to the Sprout truck’s capacity to distribute vegetables locally.
The Foundation recently granted $1999 to Family Promise to fund a cargo van. Family Promise is a 501(c)3 Corporation which provides support and intervention to prevent families from becoming chronically homeless. Family Promise Program Director Diane Penick is pictured here with Kathy Murphy and VYCCF Committee member Jack Murphy.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Hall, VYCCF Chairman
VYCCF Committee:
Wayne Hall-Chair, P/C Joe Dombrowski, P/C Merle Graser, Warren Miller, John Moore, Jack Murphy, Paul Nasipak, John O’Donnell, Judith Wilcox, and P/C Tony Zumbano.
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