Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - April 2017
Helping the Homeless
I grew up in Manhattan. On special celebratory occasions, we would pile into the car and head down to the Italian District to Vincent’s to eat some scungilli or shrimp in their famous spicy hot sauce. I always found the drive to dampen the outing as we passed through the Bowery. What we then mistakenly called “Bowery Bums” were ever present. It was sad to see these people who had nowhere to turn for support to get their lives back on track.
In our community, we have a big homeless problem. It is not as evident as I remember in the Bowery, but it is there. You can find families living in tents in some of the woods surrounding our homes. You can find families in temporary shelters.
In South Sarasota County, we have 450 known homeless school-age students. About the same number of homeless students live in North Sarasota County, despite the total population in the North being double that of the South. The number of homeless children in South County is perhaps 1,000 considering preschool siblings and those who wish to remain under the radar.
The VYCCF 2017 signature project, NEST: Nutrition, Education, ShelTer … for the Children, is partially focused on aiding homeless children. We plan to partner with four local charities whose missions are to provide transitional or temporary housing to the homeless, supplemented by financial and life-skill training, and other services to break the agonizing cycle of homelessness. Their success rates are extremely impressive.
One organization is Family Promise of South Sarasota County. This amazing organization has been in operation for a little over a year but represents a truly unusual community effort. They partner with 19 congregations, 11 of which open their facilities in the evenings for one week each quarter to provide shelter and meals to homeless families. Families have access to a Day Center where Family Promise provides basic needs, case management, referrals, and other resources. Importantly, it provides a permanent address for the parents seeking employment, a necessity when job hunting.
The families stay with the program for 60 to 90 days, during which they save 80% of their income and go through a New Beginnings Financial Education Program, parenting classes, and counseling. Case management is continued for one year, ensuring the families stay on track.
The Venice community is deeply involved with over 1,000 volunteers who feed and monitor the families at the congregations, who break down, move and set up all the furniture and materials required to house the families each week, who transport the families, and who staff the Day Center. This is an organization worthy of our support.
The VYCCF is organizing volunteers for the April 22 Sarasota Veterans Stand Down. This event brings homeless and other veterans together for a number of services. Our volunteers will help the veterans navigate through the event to ensure they receive the services they need and deserve. There is a sign-up sheet at the VYC reception desk or you may contact Warren Major for more information. This will be an amazing event to help those in need who served our country in the military.
“Jazz Under the Stars” returns by popular demand on Thursday, April 27. This sponsored event brings wonderful Jazz to the Club and only a small $10.00 voluntary donation is requested. Chef Josh has prepared a special tapas menu and Tiki John promises some “jazzy” drinks. Bring a blanket to sit under the stars and enjoy the music of the All That Jazz band.
VYCCF Committee: Chair Michael Nemser, Vice Chair Don Healy, Treasurer Jim O'Donnell, Commodore Kerry Carper (Board Rep), Cindy Abbot, Lloyd Abbot, Joan Bowen, Bill Bowen, Kevin Collins, P/C Jim DeNiro, P/C Joe Dombrowski, P/C Merle Graser, P/C Dick Guba, Doris Guba, Barbara Isaacson, Virginia LaPlante, Warren Major, Paul Nesipak, Beth Piel, and Dave Slaman
updated: April 2017 Currents