Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - Jan 2018
A New Year: A Great Time to Invest in our Community
Our committee is at work, focusing on the needs of the South County region—work that truly is an investment in young families, children at risk, and returning veterans.
All of us are investors for the future. We invest in our families, our financial well-being, and the community that sustains us. As the VYC Charitable Foundation, we have built an investment road-map over the last few years for which we are recognized. Two years ago, we laid out a footprint in South County with key contributions to Education and Nutrition. In 2017 we maintained that commitment and added attention to homelessness among young families and children. We will not waver from that path. We are also reminded that the privileges that enable us to give of ourselves were hard won and defended by our men and women in uniform, many of whom pay a price to protect our way of life. We are re-enforcing our traditional support of returning veterans and the active military.
In 2018 we are announcing our new Signature Project, “N-VEST – Nutrition, Veterans, Education, and ShelTer…Investing in our Community.” The programs we support are capable, and our grants deliver new opportunities to those they serve. We are “N-VEST-ers” in their lives and our future together. We are known as partners in the battle for a better tomorrow; this is our legacy.
We are so grateful for your support; none of our achievements in giving are possible without our members and the tireless efforts of our VYCCF committee. In 2018, let’s N-VEST together!
Don Healy, VYCCF Chair
Don Healy, VYCCF Chair
VYCCF Committee:
Chair Don Healy, Vice Chair (TBD), Treasurer John O'Donnell, Commodore Kerry Carper
(Board Rep), Lloyd & Cindy Abbot, Joan Bowen, Kevin Collins, P/C Joe Dombrowski, P/C Merle Graser,
P/C Dick & Doris Guba, Babs Healy, Sylvia Hollister,
Noni Lavelle, Warren Major, Paul Nasipak, Michael Nemser, Beth Piel, Dave Slaman, Ann Van Cott, and Bill Walker
Follow us on Facebook at veniceyachtclubcharitablefoundation.
updated: January 2018 Currents