Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - Mar 2018
The VYC Charitable Foundation has a Diplomatic Corps
Each year our Foundation has tried new ways to identify the key needs of our community, and also introduce new ways to meet those needs. N-VEST – Nutrition, Veterans, Education & ShelTer… Investing in our Community! is the 2018 Signature Project, identifying key categories for our grant cycle. Along with this roadmap, we have also initiated a new program that enables us to create a strong level of knowledge, communication, and commitment between our Grantees and the Foundation. Each member of the VYCCF Committee has accepted a role as Ambassador to our traditional grantees. This program seeks to:
• Improve our knowledge of the services and impact of each charity
• Have each Ambassador gain a sense of the most current needs and best practices of these charities
• Use this communication avenue to keep the local charities informed about our focus of giving and volunteering in our community… driving for local impact
With this program in place, our deliberations during our Spring and Fall Grant Cycles will be more informed as each Ambassador provides up-to-date knowledge across each area of need. I am proud and honored to introduce our 2018 Ambassadors:
• All Faiths Food Bank: Warren Major
• Our Mother’s House: John O’Donnell
• Family Promise: P/C Dick & Doris Guba
• Habitat for Humanity: Sylvia Hollister
• YMCA & Library Foundation: Michael Nemser
• Reading Recovery Program: Beth Piel
• VYBA: P/C Joe Dombrowski
• VHS MCJROTC: P/C Joe Dombrowski and Kevin Collins
• Child Protection Center: P/C Kerry Carper
• Children First: P/C Merle Graser
• Big Brothers, Big Sisters: Dave Slaman
• Friendship Center of Venice: Noni Lavelle
• Venice Art Center: Babs Healy
• Southeastern Guide Dogs: Ann Van Cott and Sylvia Hollister
• SPARCC: Ann Van Cott
• JFCS: Don Healy
• Veterans’ Services: Lloyd Abbot, Bill Walker, Kevin Collins, Bill Bowen
• Spring Grant Cycle Lead: Paul Nasipak
While this list is not exhaustive of our reach across the community, it does represent an extraordinary effort to ensure we understand the regional scope of caring and the effectiveness of the grant decisions we must make. When you see these folks around the Club, please take the time to thank them for helping us "Chart a Course to a Better Community."
Don Healy, VYCCF Chair
Warren Major & Don Healy at Donor Appreciation
VYCCF Committee: Chair Don Healy,
Treasurer John O'Donnell, Commodore Gus Olson (Board Rep), Lloyd & Cindy Abbot, Joan Bowen,
P/C Kerry Carper, Kevin Collins,
P/C Joe Dombrowski, P/C Merle Graser,
P/C Dick & Doris Guba, Babs Healy, Sylvia Hollister,
Noni Lavelle, Warren Major, Paul Nasipak,
Michael Nemser, Beth Piel, Dave Slaman,
Ann Van Cott, Bill Walker
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updated: March 2018 Currents