Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation
From VYC Currents - March 2020
Greetings as March breezes in!
As some of you know, Currents articles must be submitted a month in advance, so although I believe the “Ride For a Better Community” went amazingly well, I will not be able to share those details with you until April. I anticipate an exciting report!
I would like to share updates on some of the charities we support. Family Promise has increased its “bridge” housing to 14 families with 22 children. In 2019, 174 families who parent 262 children were housed and assisted! We are so glad to have a strong impact here because they receive NO federal funding. The Child Protection Center (CPC) logged 768 non-custodial parent visits in South County alone. It is clear why a security officer is definitely needed. Watch for articles on this charity in our local papers. Last month they held their “Night of Hope and Healing” which featured a community effort in support of CPC’s mission.
Also last month, our third Thursday at All Faiths Food Bank found 17 volunteers packing over four tons of food for those in need. WOW! A good time was had by all including laughs and “tons” of exercise. Consider joining us. It is always the third Thursday of the month from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
The current VYC-sponsored Habitat For Humanity house is located at 361 Purdue Road in South Venice. VYC is responsible for 200 hours of labor per house. So come on out if you are the least bit handy. If you can’t swing a hammer, consider volunteering at the ReStore. Contact Sylvia Hollister to volunteer.
Our committee is currently in the process of voting on the charities we will donate $5,000 grants to this year; all thanks to your generosity. The categories range from homeless to hunger to literacy, to veterans and active military, to children’s services, and to youth boating. All are worthwhile and all with a need. I will report next month on some of our selections. Fran Jeffrey, VYC member, has joined our committee this year. Welcome Fran!
We morn the passing of P/C Merle Graser, the last original member of our VYCCF Committee. Merle was a great supporter the Foundation and, along with Pat, worked hard to ensure our success.
Star April 23 on your calendars! It is VYCCF’s Jazz Under the Stars which is always a dazzling evening!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all, Irish or not!
With sincere appreciation,
Noni Lavelle
Please follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/VeniceYachctClubCharitableFoundation/
updated: March 2020 Currents